Ward Falls

Ward Falls

Ward Falls Follow Hwy 102 from Halifax to Truro, exiting left (exit #15) onto Hwy 104 towards New Brunswick. Exit right onto Glenholme Loop, then turn right onto old highway. Follow a short distance and exit left on Route 2 to Parrsboro. In Parrsboro, keep right on Route 2 towards Lakelands, then exit left onto Route 209 towards Diligent River. Follow Route 209 to community of Wharton and look for signage that indicates exit to trailhead parking area on right.

Follow the well-developed trail (and numerous footbridges) as it winds through upland forest towards a beautiful 20 foot waterfall that spills out of a gorge.

Category: Walking Trail
Region: Minas Basin


Nova Scotia Scenic Destinations: Ward Falls

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