Cape Chigecto Park: Refugee Cove

Cape Chigecto Park: Refugee Cove

Cape Chigecto Park: Refugee Cove Refugee Cove is the largest backcountry camp site in Cape Chignecto Park, with several well developed sites tucked back away from the cove. This area has quite a distinct history. In 1755, when the British expelled most French-speaking Acadians from Nova Scotia, a group of Acadians weathered one winter hidden in this cove. Many years later a thriving logging operation was established in the Cove. The logging has long since disappeared but there are still remnants such as an old brick boiler at the mouth of the Cove. The trail actually follows the old logging road upstream along Refugee Cove Brook, and if you look closely you will see the remains of old logging wagons.

Category: Backcountry Hike
Region: Minas Basin


Nova Scotia Scenic Destinations: Cape Chigecto Park: Refugee Cove

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