Cape Chignecto Park: Mill Brook Cove

Cape Chignecto Park: Mill Brook Cove

Cape Chignecto Park: Mill Brook Cove From the Red Rocks trailhead, Mill Brook is the first backcountry camp site along the trail. The climb into and out of Mill Brook is one of the most challenging in the park... from 600 feet down to sea level, in little more than a kilometre, with some very steep grades. The trail itself is well developed but it would be wise to rest at intervals, even climbing down. There are several camp sites with a spur trail that leads down to a nice sheltered cove and beach. Mill Brook itself cascades over a nice waterfall before emptying into the ocean at the cove. Mill Brook is a great place to camp or rest before heading onto Refugee Cove.

Category: Backcountry Hike
Region: Minas Basin


Nova Scotia Scenic Destinations: Cape Chignecto Park: Mill Brook Cove

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