Kenomee Canyon

Kenomee Canyon

Kenomee Canyon Follow Hwy 102 from Halifax to Truro, exiting left (exit #15) onto Hwy 104 towards New Brunswick. Exit right onto Glenholme Loop, then turn right onto old highway. Follow a short distance and exit left on Hwy 2 towards Parrsboro. Follow road to Economy, then turn right onto unpaved River Phillip Road (road is marked by sign to "Economy Falls"). Follow dirt road up over mountain, following signage to Economy Falls. The Kenomee Canyon trailhead is located at the top of Economy Falls.

The Kenomee Canyon trail loop is the largest of the Economy Falls trail system, and one of the nicest trails in the Province. Borrowing from the brochure... "This is a spectacular 18km wilderness hike into the Economy River Wilderness Area along the edge of the Economy River gorge."

The trail follows the river's steep banks upstream to the headwaters at Murphy and Black brooks, then loops around, crossing both brooks, and heads back downstream on the opposite bank. The trail crosses several feeder streams which must be forded on foot, however there is a sturdy bridge spanning the river just above the falls.

There are several backcountry campsites along the trail, including Chain Lake Falls, Murphy Brook Falls and Newton Lake campsites.

Watch for spectacular wildflower blooms in the spring and brilliant fall colours throughout the abundant hardwood stands in the fall.

This backcountry trail is one of my favorites, and makes a great two-day hike.

Category: Backcountry Hike
Region: Minas Basin


Nova Scotia Scenic Destinations: Kenomee Canyon

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